LBCC's 50th
GED Program at LBCC People have said that high school is the greatest four years of your life, to others that may not have been the case. For whatever reasons they may of had over 1.2 million students dropout of high school every year. That is a student every 26 seconds! After dropping out some people are not sure what to do, getting your General Equivalency Diploma is a great step. In 2016-17 around 384 people enrolled to get their GED/ABE, but only 87 of those people graduated according to the ABS Transition Data 2016-17. The GED program has been around for almost as long as LBCC has been standing. The GED is a set of four subject tests, when passed, proves that you have high-school level academic skills.GED was set in place to help those who needed to further their education. Linda Hobson is the Faculty and Lead instructor for ABE (Adult Basic Education) and GED. She started working at LBCC in November of 1998, and later got a contract February 1, 1999. She has worked for...